2011 HIV/AIDS Diagnostic Technology Landscape: 2nd Edition

2011 HIV/AIDS Diagnostic Technology Landscape: 2nd Edition

Author: Maurine M. Murtagh

Organization: UNITAID

Year: July 2011

Document Type: Report

Abstract/Summary: This report reviews the current landscape for HIV diagnostics, including the algorithms and tests required in the care and treatment of the HIV/AIDS patient, both before and after treatment initiation; the price points of that testing; and the ways in which testing is delivered, including the technology platforms in use today. With this background, the report then reviews the current technologies and diagnostic platforms in three key testing areas for the HIV/AIDS patient, CD4 and viral load testing for adults and children, as well as EID, including EID run on viral load platforms, all of which are today typically accessed in resource-limited settings through sophisticated laboratory-based testing platforms. The report then goes on to consider POC CD4 or near POC, viral load and EID platforms either on the market or in the development pipeline and considers the implications of the landscape, what efficiencies might be achieved with respect to test algorithms, the cost of testing and decentralized service delivery.

Disease/Therapeutic Area: HIV/AIDS


Income Classification (World Bank):

Market Shortcomings:

Focus Areas:

